Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Global and China Tire Industry Report, 2014 Size, Trend, Analysis, and Forecasts to 2015

ResearchMoz.us include new market research report" Global and China Tire Industry Report, 2014-2015 " to its huge collection of research reports. 2014 marked a bumper year for the tire industry. The declining price of natural rubber helped substantial cost reduction of tire vendors; the tire price performed more stably than the costs although it dropped as well. Despite the shrunk revenue in 2014, almost all tire producers saw higher profit margins. This situation continues in 2015, reflected in the falling price of natural rubber and the slight decline in the tire price. Full Report With TOC @ http://www.researchmoz.us/global-and-china-tire-industry-report-2014-2015-report.html What comes to the momentous event in the tire industry in 2015 is that the state-owned Sinochem is probable to acquire the shares of the world's fifth largest tire company -- Pirelli to demonstrate the strength of China in the capital field, which is a blockbuster in the tire industry. For a long time

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